FREE e-book copies of 'Getting Over Going Under' announced for all day Memorial Day. Empower yourself BEFORE having surgery under anesthesia or face serious & avoidable risks.
( May 20, 2014 -- The Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation is pleased to announce a bold re-design of the foundation's website,
The foundation is celebrating by giving away FREE e-book copies of 'Getting Over Going Under, written by foundation founder, board certified anesthesiologist dr. Barry Friedberg.
The Foundation’s public education message is simple: “No major surgery under anesthesia without a brain monitor,” says Friedberg. The FREE book giveaway is scheduled for all day Memorial Day.
In April 2014, Scientific American published, ‘The Hidden Dangers of Going Under’ ( but neglected to mention what patients must know to avoid those dangers (i.e. delirium, dementia and death). ‘Getting Over Going Under, 5 things you MUST know before anesthesia’ fills that knowledge gap.
Written in plain language, ‘Getting Over Going Under’ is an effective tool for the general public to be able to advocate for the use of the best available technology, the brain monitor. The book informs and educates prospective patients (and their families) to better deal with anesthesia fears and what they MUST do to become proactive.
"The bottom line," says Dr. Friedberg, "Don't let your parents, your spouse or anybody else you love over 50 get anesthesia WITHOUT a brain monitor or you may NEVER speak to that SAME person again."
Don't forget to pickup your FREE copy of 'Getting Over Going Under' on Memorial Day. Check the website for details and a link on Memorial Day.