NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., June 29 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) continues to ignore mention of routine anesthesia over medication risks in the content of its newly launched 'Anesthesia & Me' site.
Routine anesthesia over medication affects 99.9% of patients having anesthesia without brain monitors. Awareness under anesthesia affects 0.1% of patients.
The sub-section of the main ASA site distracts attention from the much larger public health issue.
"Widespread use of brain monitors would significantly decrease, and likely eliminate, the risks of routine anesthesia over medication to Americans who become more sensitive to those risks with aging," says Dr. Barry Friedberg, President of Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation.
"There is an obvious disincentive for the ASA and its sponsored organizations to encourage the use of brain activity monitoring," Friedberg says.
"Less drug use would translate to less drug sales, less profits, and less ability to continue to provide the same level of support (i.e., money) from Big Pharma to the ASA and their sponsored organizations."
So, how can a patient know if a brain monitor will be used during surgery? By insisting that their anesthesia provider uses one.
According to the non-profit Foundation, public awareness of the serious risks of anesthesia without brain monitoring is the first giant step.
Americans must be their own brain safety advocates by insisting on a brain monitor with anesthesia. Otherwise, they will be routinely over medicated.
Aging Baby Boomers and Medicare-aged Americans, particularly those with diseases in addition to their surgical problems, are especially sensitive to over medication risks.
"The risks of routine anesthesia over medication include pseudo-Alzheimer's, seizures, delirium, increased inflammatory response, possible cancer recurrence, variable degrees of mental impairment, and even death," says Friedberg.
Disclaimer: Neither Dr. Friedberg nor the Foundation currently have any financial involvement with makers of brain monitors.
About Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation:
Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate Americans about the public health risk of routine anesthesia over medication and the value of brain activity monitors.
For more information on avoiding routine anesthesia over medication that can lead to brain damage and death, visit