
The anesthesia dementia link

Denverpost.com 07/13/2011

Q: My 77-year-old mother recently had knee-replacement surgery and now is suffering from some form of dementia. She asks the same questions over and over. She had small memory problems before, but nothing like this. Did her surgery cause something to happen to her brain? — Denise, via e-mail

Re: Patient with aggravated dementia after anesthesia

Anesthesia is given without using a brain monitor guarantees the dose of anesthesia must be greater than that thought necessary for fear of under medication.

A brain monitor like BIS directly measures the anesthetic effect on the brain. 75% of US hospitals have this equipment yet it is only being used 25% of the time.

Goldilocks anesthesia is never too much or too little but always just the right amount because it is your direct brain response dictating to the anesthesiologist exactly how much anesthesia you need not to hear, feel or remember your surgery.

No one, especially those over 50, should ever have anesthesia for surgery without a brain monitor.

Download 3 free letters @ www.drbarryfriedberg.com to make sure you get Goldilocks anesthesia & that your anesthesiologist does not play Russian roulette with your brain while you are having surgery.

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