
Press Releases

Goldilocks Anesthesia just published the secret to preventing both postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and postoperative pain. Dementia after anesthesia could be dramatically reduced by the widespread use of brain monitoring as well as reducing up to 30% of unnecessary anesthetic drugs given. 'Medicate the brain, measure it' was publicly proclaimed as a standard of care by Friedberg more than two years ago.

(PRWeb April 06, 2010)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/04/prweb3685124.htm

Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation warns about avoiding dementia after anesthesia. Especially for patients over 50, anesthesia over medication is a serious public health risk when anesthesia is given without a brain monitor. The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) remains focused on the 0.1% issue of 'awareness.' The 'red herring' public disinformation campaign is why Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation claims the ASA has 'fouled out' during March Madness.

(PRWeb March 23, 2010)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/03/prweb3763584.htm

Without preemptive analgesia (i.e. preventing pain during surgery), patients often need narcotic pain relief after surgery. ‘Goldilocks’ propofol ketamine (PK) anesthesia patients, using a brain monitor and preemptive analgesia, have only taken Tylenol® or Toradol® after surgery, NOT narcotics, for postoperative pain.

(PRWeb March 16, 2010)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/03/prweb3722854.htm

“What part of ‘medicate the brain, measure it’ does the ASA not understand?” asks prominent, board certified anesthesiologist Barry Friedberg, MD. “Is the ASA not as smart as a fifth grader?”

(PRWeb March 09, 2010)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/03/prweb3609584.htm

The real public health risk is the routine practice of anesthesia over medication and post anesthesia dementia. Without widespread use of brain monitors for 'going under,' 99.9% of all patients are exposed to the risk of anesthesia over medication.

(PRWeb February 09, 2010)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/02/prweb3574724.htm

Routine anesthesia over medication is a common practice without brain monitoring. Why does the ASA appear to continue to resist calling for routine brain monitoring to avoid over medication, especially for seniors whose brains are more susceptible to those effects? Big Pharma millions appear to preclude ASA advocating greater patient safety.

(PRWeb February 02, 2010)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/02/prweb3385644.htm

Office-based anesthesia (OBA) presents a unique problem set for anesthesiologists to solve. Patients must wake up quickly and able to go home pain, nausea and vomiting free.

“Propofol ketamine or PK anesthesia is a powerful solution that has set a higher standard of care for patient safety in outpatient surgery,” says Dr. F. Don Parsa, Chief of University of Hawaii plastic surgery.

(PRWeb January 19, 2010)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/01/prweb3385584.htm

Brain monitoring of Jackson's propofol could have saved his life despite the other drugs in his body. For the second consecutive year, propofol expert, Dr. Barry Friedberg will address the annual Congress of Mexican Anesthesiologists, this year in Veracruz, Mexico. Also, an expert on brain monitoring of propofol, Friedberg will lecture on how to increase its usefulness with his internationally acclaimed PK (or propofol ketamine) anesthesia. Unlike general anesthesia, PK anesthesia has had no deaths since its inception in 1992.

(PRWeb November 17, 2009)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009/11/prweb3207884.htm

With a 'facelift' for the 21st century, Dr. Barry Friedberg's Cosmetic Surgery Anesthesia web site continues to showcase PK anesthesia. Everything the cosmetic surgery patient typically wants from general anesthesia without the lethal risks or unpleasant side effects is provided by PK anesthesia. Brain monitoring de-mystified for the public. Friedberg's Triad revisited.

(PRWeb October 06, 2009)

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009PKsaferchoice/anesthesia/prweb2482094.htm

Dr. Barry Friedberg can say, 1) brain monitoring of propofol may not be common, but it absolutely needs to be; 2) the unorthodox use of propofol on Michael Jackson demanded the safest of care; 3) propofol for sleep is not the medically approved use of the drug; 4) practicing 'outside the box' absolutely demands the use of a brain monitor to measure propofol effect; 5) Jackson would certainly be alive today if his propofol had been measured with a brain monitor. It's a no-brainer. 6) Propofol demands the use of the most basic safety monitor, a pulse oximeter. Otherwise, it's reckless disregard. (PRWeb Sep 8, 2009) Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/propofol/Jackson/prweb2812104.htm

Press Release Archive Post Datesort icon
Dr. Friedberg Describes His Perfected Technique to Vastly Reduce Post Surgical Nausea 07/10/2001
Barry L. Friedberg, MD, Launches www.doctorfriedberg.com to Help Patients Learn Their Cosmetic Surgery Anesthesia Options 08/09/2001
Noted Anesthesiologist Barry L. Friedberg, MD, Addressed Venezuelan Physicians at important Venezuelan Congress 10/25/2001
Barry L. Friedberg, Md, Predicts Rise of Cosmetic Enhancement Procedures in 2002 02/06/2002
Dr. Friedberg Celebrates 10 Years and 1000's of Patients Who Have Benefited From His 'PK' Anesthesia 03/07/2002
Boom Seen for Patient-Education Anesthesia Web Sites 05/01/2002
CosmeticSurgeryAnesthesia.com is Highly Useful Education Source for Office-Based Surgery Patients 06/11/2002
Expert: Use of Breakthrough Anesthesia Monitoring Technology Needs to Grow 07/30/2002
Barry Friedberg, MD (DrFriedberg.com) Adds New "Physician's Only" Channel to Mark One-year Anniversary; Logs 14,000 Global Visitors 07/30/2002
English Language Web Site, DoctorFriedberg.com, Tracks Global Interest for Cosmetic Surgery Anesthesia Options; UK, France, & Saudi Arabia Top List 08/09/2002
Study Reveals 72% of Patients Experience Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting - Demand for Better Anesthesia Techniques Mission Critical 09/25/2002
Death From Cosmetic Surgery Is Never Acceptable 05/18/2007
Cosmetic Surgery & Exotic Brazil 09/07/2007
Safer, Simpler, Better, Cost Effective Cosmetic Surgery Anesthesia 09/18/2007
Epidemic Of Anesthesia Overdosing - How Can You Avoid It? 10/25/2007
Donda West Death Highlights Unnecessary Risk of General Anesthesia for Cosmetic Surgery 11/15/2007
Donde West Likely Killed By Need to Control Postop Pain After Cosmetic Surgery 11/19/2007
'AWAKE' the movie highlights the need for 'Goldilocks' anesthesia 11/28/2007
Florida teen death: Anesthesia choice likely creates another avoidable tragedy in cosmetic surgery 03/27/2008
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) 'wakes up' to office-based anesthesia (OBA) 10/14/2008
"Goldilocks" anesthesia wows attendees of the Mexican Society of Anesthesiologists' Annual Meeting 12/02/2008
Cosmetic surgery - Goldilocks anesthesia is not Mickey Mouse 12/16/2008
Cosmetic Surgery - PK 'Goldilocks' Anesthesia: All of the Benefits, None of the Risks 01/27/2009
Cosmetic Surgery - No Killer Blood Clots to the Lungs Sans GA, PK Anesthesia Can Save the Day 02/03/2009
Cosmetic Surgery: PK Anesthesia Safest Achievable 02/24/2009
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) – Myths about ‘never ending pursuit of patient safety and satisfaction’ debunked - PK anesthesia denied Level I validation for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) 03/11/2009
Dr. Barry Friedberg comments on David vs. Goliath: Who's Really in the Pursuit of Patient Safety & Satisfaction? 03/19/2009
American Society of Anesthesiologists Primary Agenda Displayed 03/24/2009
American Society of Anesthesiologists – 2,211 Patient Deaths From OVER Medication 03/31/2009
American Society of Anesthesiologists Recent Public Debate Comes to Dead End 04/21/2009
'Surgery, Anesthesia & Your Brain,' Not the Cache of 'Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll' 04/28/2009
Brain Damage Due to Over Medication from Anesthesia Exposed by Newly Launched Non-Profit Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation 05/12/2009
Top Book on Cosmetic Surgery Anesthesia to be Released in Portuguese in Brazil, World Leader in Cosmetic Surgery 05/19/2009
Anesthesia Can Make Patients Vomit After Cosmetic Surgery - World's Top Expert Says PK Anesthesia Is Better 06/09/2009
Expert Explains Why Propofol Was the Wrong -- and Possibly Fatal -- Drug for Michael Jackson 07/07/2009
Brain Monitor Eliminates Need for Routine Oxygen With Propofol - Friedberg's Triad Unveiled 07/14/2009
American Society of Anesthesiologists Continues to Ignore Over Medication Risks 07/29/2009
Expert Says Propofol (Diprivan) Is A Safe Drug Made Safer with Brain Monitoring 08/04/2009
Michael Jackson: One Change Could Have Saved His Life 09/08/2009
Cosmetic Surgery Anesthesia Web Site Gets Cosmetic Improvements 10/06/2009
Michael Jackson Propofol Expert, Dr. Barry Friedberg, to Speak in Veracruz 11/17/2009
American Society of Anesthesiologists Continues Balking at Study of Cost Effective PK Anesthesia, Says Dr. Barry Friedberg 01/05/2010
Michael Jackson Propofol Expert, Barry Friedberg MD, Spoke at Pan Pacific Surgery Meeting 01/20/2010
Brain Damage: NFL ‘Gets It,’ American Society of Anesthesiologists Still Appears ‘Asleep’ 02/02/2010
Clueless In Chicago: American Society of Anesthesiology Response To Grey's Anatomy TV Episode Appears 'Unaware' Of Major Public Health Risk 02/09/2010
American Society of Anesthesiologists: Is Apathy or Avarice Precluding Advocacy of Better Patient Safety? 03/09/2010
ASA Affiliated University Hospital Again Cited Over Dangerous Yet Common Practice - Avoidable With ‘Goldilocks’ PK Anesthesia 03/16/2010
ASA ‘Fouls Out’ in March Madness – Brain Monitored Anesthesia A ‘Slam Dunk' 03/31/2010
Goldilocks Anesthesia Published in #1 Plastic Surgery Journal 04/06/2010
Recent Study Reports Long Term Survival Improved Using Brain Monitor - Dementia After Anesthesia Now More Likely Avoidable Claims Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation 05/04/2010
Can Too Much Anesthesia Cause Dementia or Brain Damage? 11/19/2010
Michael Jackson's Death Could Have Been Avoided With a Brain Monitor Says Anesthesiologist 12/08/2010
Expert on Michael Jackson’s Death Predicts Dr. Murray Will Be Ordered Tuesday To Stand Trial 01/03/2011
Propofol Expert Dr. Barry Friedberg at Cosmetogynecology Meeting Jan 12 in Phoenix, AZ 01/08/2011
Conrad Murray’s Girlfriend Seals His Fate Says Michael Jackson propofol Expert Dr. Barry Friedberg 02/05/2011
New Study Shows Dementia Often Misdiagnosed 03/01/2011
Michael Jackson family: What justice for his death? Propofol expert answers. 04/30/2011
Michael Jackson’s anesthesia over-medication death a wake-up call for Americans: Stars can light the way 06/22/2011
Is your anesthesiologist still playing Marquis de Sade? Prevent postop pain, PONV & dementia after anesthesia 07/25/2011
Anesthesia Dementia: the Unreported American Crime 08/09/2011
Conrad Murray & American Society of Anesthesiologists: Both Appear Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter 09/22/2011
American Society of Anesthesiologists Lawyers Attempt to Intimidate Dr. Barry Friedberg 09/29/2011
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) & Columbus Day: Still Waiting to Discover the 21st Century… Standard of Anesthesia Care 10/10/2011
Michael Jackson died in 21st century; Conrad Murray manslaughter trial anesthesia experts stuck in 20th century thinking 10/17/2011
Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson, & American Society of Anesthesiologists: Inconvenient Truths 10/18/2011
Anesthesia: You Don’t Have to Just Lay there and Take it 10/24/2011
Like Michael Jackson, Could 60 Minutes’ Andy Rooney Be the Latest Victim of Anesthesia Over-Medication? 10/31/2011
Murray Guilty, Propofol Not! 11/07/2011
Author Joins Dr. Marty Makary In Call To Make Medical Profession Accountable And Transparent 10/02/2012
New Brain Study Confirms Anesthesia Risk 10/18/2012
Elderly Man Suffers Delirium From Anesthesia After Back Surgery 11/01/2012
Anesthesia Brain Monitor Another Perfect 'Sleep' Number 12/17/2013
Dr. Barry Friedberg Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation Website Re-Launched 05/20/2014
New Study Concludes: Postoperative Delirium Can be Avoided by Using a Brain Monitor 12/18/2014
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