
PONV - Peter Obviously Not Victorious, Apfel's Advice Unheeded

PONV - Peter Obviously Not Victorious, Apfel's Advice Unheeded


Glass’ upcoming editorial (1) appears to ignore sage advice from Apfel. (2) Avoid emetogenic anesthetics, i.e. inhalational anesthetics and opioids and embrace propofol ketamine paradigm. (3).


1.     Glass PSA: Postoperative nausea and vomiting: We don’t know everything yet. (editorial) Anes Analg 2010;2: 110.

2.     Apfel CC: Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting chapter in Miller’s Anesthesia, 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier 2010; p 2743.

3.     Friedberg BL: Propofol-ketamine technique, dissociative anesthesia for office surgery: a five-year review of 1,264 cases. Aesth Plast Surg 1999;23: 70-74.

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